
Monday, May 20, 2019

How to make a supersize thermometer with a strip RGB led and Arduino.

The idea came to me by experimenting with intelligent RGB LED strips, that is equipped with a control microchip, like the NEOPIXEL based on a WS2812B chip. The interesting thing is that just one bit is enough to control numerous LEDs. The number of pixels is not limited by the signal level, always retransmitted by each chip, but by the transmission speed.
On the web there are several libraries, I have tested both the FastLED-master and the Adafruit_NeoPixel, both can drive various smart led and controller chips. To measure the temperature I tried three types of sensors but in the final version I used an LM35.
Of course this linear display is suitable for displaying other physical quantities and the number of LEDs can easily be increased.

The WS2812B LEDs

They can be mounted on a flexible and adhesive strip of printed circuit board, the appearance of which is shown in Figure 1. The density is 60 LEDs per meter.
Figure 1 - Typical appearance of a WS2812 strip.
The chips, powered at + 5V with C = 100nF by-pass capacitor, are connected in cascade according to the schematic shown in figure 2.
Figure 2 – Strip led wiring diagram.
The serial communication protocol is NRZ (Non Return to Zero) and the data is 24 bits, eight bits per color in the order GRB (Green, Red, Blue) with the most significant bit first. In this way up to 2^24 = 16777216 colors are realized. The bit rate can vary from 400 to 800 [kbits/s]. Figure 3 shows the diagrams of the packets transmitted and how they are interpreted by the individual chips.
Figure 3 - Data transmission protocol.
The first packet, sent by the MPU, is acquired by the first D1 chip that retransmits the second and subsequent ones. The second chip D2 acquires the second packet and retransmits the next ones, and so on. At the end of the cycle, a pause of at least 50 µs resets the system.
Each LED consumes up to 20 mA, so 60 mA maximum per chip. If I wanted to represent a light bar with 30 leds of white light, that is with the three colors on, I would have a consumption of 1.8 A with considerable dissipation and variation of current. In order to drastically reduce the current I prefer to turn on only one led at a time using one of primary colors RGB and also change its brightness.

My LM35 sensor prototype
It is an analog sensor, from National Semiconductors / Texas Instruments, with output proportional to degrees Celsius and a slope of 10 mV/°C, so the output signal is relatively low.

Its measurement range is from 2 to 150°C with a power supply from 4 to 20 volts and, with particular circuits, it can measure up to -55°C, figure 4 shows the sensor and pin layout.
If the Arduino ADC converter has Vref=5V (default), the resolution is about 5mV, or 0.5°C. But the supply voltage is not stable and varies significantly if Arduino is powered via USB or by Vin. If I program analogReference (INTERNAL) the resolution becomes almost 1 mV because the internal reference of the ADC is about 1.1V (from 1 to 1.2V) and is also much more stable than the default mode. For this reason I used this reference even if the display resolution is one degree.
To measure the temperature of a house it seems to me an economic sensor that also requires a simple software. The scale of my display has 30 RGB LEDs starting from 5 °C up to 34 °C. The schematic is that of figure 5.
Figure 5 - Electrical diagram of the thermometer.
As a precaution, I powered the LED strip with a separate regulator as, in the event of a fault more LEDs could be lit simultaneously, the small controller on Arduino Nano could overheat and even burn.
The average consumption of my prototype is around 50 mA, this also because I only turn on
 one led at a time and also reduced its brightness. The power supply is similar to that used for Arduino, preferably use voltages between 7.5 and 9 volts, even not stabilized.

I used an Arduino Nano because it is compact and with a 0.1" pitch, necessary for prototyping matrix board. The sensor is connected to pin A0 and I have connected a potentiometer on pin A1 to calibrate the thermometer without modifying the program. For the prototype I used a matrix board, as shown in figure 6. Notice at the top the sensor that comes out of the box.
Figure 6 - Aspect of the components of the prototype.
List of electronic components
47 kW ±1% metal film
RGB strip LED type WS2812B
220 W ±5%
Arduino Nano board
5 kW trimmer
LM35 sensor
100 µF,25V electrolytic capacitor
LM7805, 5V regulator
100 nF ceramic capacitor


Prototype construction
The simplest constructive solution is to buy the led strip aluminum profile complete with its diffuser and to transfer on it the thermometric scale numbers.
I used a "U" aluminum profile of about 15x10 mm, 600 mm long for a total of 30 LEDs with a scale from 5 °C to 34 °C. The strip has a density of 60 LEDs per meter, so the pitch is about 16.7 mm.
At the end of the bar I fixed a small box containing the electronics, while beside the led bar I glued an "L" shaped profile of about 10x20 mm on which I drew the thermometric scale with a normographe, then I painted it with a transparent varnish protection. This solution, quite "do it yourself" is visible in the introductory photo. The writing can also be done with a label printer or with self-adhesive numbers. The version with the special profile and relative diffuser is also aesthetically the most valid solution.

The program
For this program I used the Adafruit_NeoPixel library ( for the LED strip, because it is simpler and more compact.
Nothing prevents you from using multiple LEDs to enlarge the scale, updating the program on the #define NUM_LEDS 30 line and also modifying the control of the LEDs. With some modifications we can use a scale in Fahrenheit and with hardware and software interventions we can extend the scale even to negative values.
The display resolution is one degree, so I convert the temperature that is of float type to integer and address with this the led to turn on.
I have used mostly only one of these leds and with moderate intensity, for example:
pixels.Color (0, 0, 70);
it turns on one of the RGB colors (the blue LED, in this case), with an intensity of only 70/255. This greatly reduces consumption and does not disturb the eyes too much. Only at the ends of the scale, to better highlight the exceeding of the limits, I use violet (red + blue) and yellow (red + green) colors that require two LEDs, but I turn them on only for one second every five. Reducing consumption also avoids heating the sensor and distorting the measurement.
The led chip[0] is the one at the bottom: it is lit blue for a temperature of 5 °C or flashes violet for lower temperatures. The led chip[29] is the highest one and lights up red for a temperature of 34 °C or flashes yellow for higher temperatures.
My program turns on the LED chips based on the following criteria:
·         Chip led[0] a violet flash of 1 second for T < 5°;
·         Chip led[0÷17] blue led on for 5° ≤ T <18°;
·         Chip led[18÷14] green led on for 18°T≤ 24°;
·         Chip led[25÷29] red led on for 25°T≤ 34°;
·         Chip led[29] e yellow flash of 1 second for T > 34°C.
Of course it is very easy to change the limits to better adapt them to personal wellbeing thresholds.
The function pixels.Color() sets the colors with three bytes corresponding to the primary colors, respectively: R (Red) G (Green) B (Blue). The intensity of the colors varies from 0,0,0 corresponding to the LEDs that are all off (black) up to 255,255,255 for the three LEDs that are on (white). Varying the intensity of the individual LEDs the displayed color varies. There are on-line computers that simulate the color generated.
As already seen, the program reads the potentiometer to make a correction of about -3° up to + 6°.
At the beginning I put VREF = 1050 mV, this value is obtained by measuring the voltage with a digital voltmeter, otherwise put VREF = 1100.

The code
/* program ArduTempLedLM.ino Arduino strip led thermometer
 use a LM35 or TMP35 as temperature sensor
 Giovanni Carrera, rev. 11/05/2019 */
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

int Temp;
float NtomV;
const float VREF = 1050;// in mV, this value can be read on VREF pin

#define PIN  2 // used for strip led data
#define NUMPIXELS 30  // number of leds in strip (5° to 34°C)
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
#define DELAYVAL 500 // Time (in milliseconds) to pause between pixels

void setup() {
  pixels.begin();// INITIALIZE NeoPixel strip object delay( 500 );
  analogReference(INTERNAL); // internal ADC reference input = 1100V
  NtomV = VREF/1023;// constant of conversion into millivolts

void loop() {
  int val = analogRead(A0);// read the LM35 sensor
  float temperature = NtomV*val/10.0;// convert to Celsius
  val = analogRead(A1);// read the potentiometer for T correction
  float corr = NtomV*val/10.0 - 3;// adjusting factor, about -3 to +6
  temperature -= corr;// Temperature correction
  Serial.print("  Temperature = ");
  Serial.println(" °C");
  Temp = (int)temperature;
  if (Temp < 5){
    pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(100, 0, 150));// bright violet color;
    pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(0, 0, 0));;
  else if (Temp < 18){// blue led for T<18°
    pixels.clear(); // Set all pixel colors to 'off'
    // pixels.Color() takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255
    pixels.setPixelColor(Temp-5, pixels.Color(0, 0, 70));// moderately bright blue color;
  else if (Temp >= 18 && Temp <= 24){
    pixels.clear(); // Set all pixel colors to 'off'
    pixels.setPixelColor(Temp-5, pixels.Color(0, 70, 0));// moderately bright green color;
  else if (Temp > 24 && Temp <= 34){
    pixels.clear(); // Set all pixel colors to 'off'
    pixels.setPixelColor(Temp-5, pixels.Color(70, 0, 0));// moderately bright red color;
  else {
    pixels.setPixelColor(29, pixels.Color(150, 50, 0));// bright yellow color;
    pixels.setPixelColor(29, pixels.Color(0, 0, 0));;


1)      “WS2812B-V4, Intelligent control LED integrated light source”,
2)      “FastLED Basic usage”, Daniel Garcia,,16 Aug 2017.
3)      “LM35 Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensors”, Texas Instruments, SNIS159H, August 1999–revised December 2017.