by Giovanni Carrera, rev. 28/05/16
A voltage to frequency
converter can realize an opto-isolated analog input for Arduino or other
microcontroller systems. This circuit is particularly suitable for industrial
control plants with 4-20mA sensors.Introduction
The signals from field sensors can be affected
by noise generated by power surges, lightning strikes or other EMI (Electromagnetic
Interference) sources and also by ground potential differences. One method to avoid
most of these problems is to use a complete isolation from the field.
The isolation of an input sensor will require a
separate power supply to power the field device and the circuit that realize
the insulation itself.
In the 80s, when the microcontrollers hadn’t digital to analog converters (ADC) integrated,
I had designed a system with voltage to frequency converters to achieve
high-resolution analog inputs and an easy true isolation with the field
sensors. Only drawback was the low
sampling rate, but usually high frequencies aren’t required in industrial
The following figure shows a three channels
board that I designed many years ago for a 6502 control system.
The circuit
So I think up to use this circuit also with
Arduino. The diagram of Figure 2 shows the circuit that accepts an input
voltage from about 20mV to 5V or a current of 4 to 20 mA (with the jumper W1 inserted).
The two resistors in parallel R2 and R3 give a value of about 250 ohms, in
order to have 1V to 5V for 4mA to 20mA input.
Just three wires and a resistor are required to
connect the circuit to the Arduino Uno. The output of the opto-coupler should
be connected to the digital input D5 with a pull-up 2.2kW resistor connected to the +5V of
If an input range of 10V is required, a 15V
power supply is necessary, so you have to change the 7808 regulator with a
The resistor R10 reduces the switching time of
the phototransistor.
The circuit of the converter is obtained from
the datasheet of the LM331.
The output frequency is:
Fout = Vin*(R6+P1)/(2.09*R4*R7*C3)
This circuit, with the values used, has a conversion factor of about 1kHz/V.
The duration of output pulses is:
T = 1.1* R7*C3 = 74.8 [ms]
Hardware components
1x Arduino board
Passive components
R1= 100kW ±1% metal film
R2= 3.3kW ±1% metal film
R3= 270W ±1% metal film
R4= 100kW ±1% metal film
R5= 47W ±5%
R6= 12kW ±1% metal film
R7= 6.8kW ±1% metal film
R8= 10kW ±5%
R9= 330W ±1% 1/4W
R10= 220kW ±5%
P1= 5kW multiturn
C1= 100nF Mylar
C2= 1MF Mylar
C3= 10nF Mylar
C4 = 100nF ceramic AVX
C5 = 4.7 MF Electrolytic
C6= 220 MF Electrolytic
T1=230V (or 115V), 12V, 1VA
Active components
U1= LM331
U2= LM7808
Pd1= 4x1N4001
Calibration and measurements analysis
A very stable power supply, as source, a
frequency counter and an oscilloscope are been used for testing the circuit.
The 13 measurements were analyzed with a
spreadsheet using a linear regression and the results were very good, as you
can see from the figure below graph.
As you can see from the formula of the
regression line, the correlation coefficient is equal to one, using six decimal
Arduino interface and program
Arduino can measure the frequency in two ways:
measurement, using the pulsein()
measurement, with CPU Timer/Counters , using special libraries.
The first method uses twice the function pulsein() in order to measure the HIGH
time and LOW time of the signal, with a microsecond resolution. The sum of the
two measurements is the period of the signal. For a 5kHz signal, the period is
200 µs = HIGH time + LOW time = 125+75 µs. The time resolution is relatively low and the accuracy of
measurement is also affected by the time of the program instructions.
The positive aspect about this method is the
measurement speed which is slightly higher than the measured period. At a
disadvantage, in addition to the less accuracy, it is most sensitive to the
electrical grid noise (50 or 60Hz).
For these reasons, I prefer a frequency
measurement with respect to the period. The measurement time is higher but you
get a higher precision and precise sampling times. In addition, choosing a measurement
period multiple of that of the electrical grid, it has excellent noise
I use the FreqCounter library by Martin Nawrath
This library uses Timer/Counter1 for counting pulses
on rising edge of T1/PD5/digitalPin5 and Timer/Counter2 for the gate-time
generation with 1 ms interrupts.
I chose a gate time equal to 1000 ms to mediate
the count on a period of 50 or 60 mains cycles. In this case you get a
resolution that is five times greater than that of Arduino Uno.
The Arduino sketch of the following example is
very simple:
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // connect to the serial port
Serial.println("Optoisolated analog
long int frq;
void loop() {
FreqCounter::f_comp= 0; // Set compensation to 0
FreqCounter::start(1000); // Start counting with gatetime of 1000ms
while (FreqCounter::f_ready == 0) // wait until counter ready
frq=FreqCounter::f_freq; // read result
Serial.println(frq); // print result
By comparing the frequency meter readings with
the values transmitted by Arduino I found only small differences and the error
is very good, as shown in the following table.
Meter [Hz]
FreqCounter [Hz]
Error %
With appropriate libraries and with other CPU,
you can have multiple frequency inputs and then various isolated analog
1. “LMx31x Precision Voltage-to-Frequency
Converters”, Texas Instruments, SNOSBI2C –JUNE 1999–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2015.
2. “Arduino Frequency
Counter Library”, Laboratory for
Experimental Computer Science at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne,
Is it possible to run this on an Mega2560?
ReplyDeleteNice. Im an electronics engineer and it makes me very happy to see this type of things, im more on telecom field now but this reminds me of my student days and how amazing it was to figure out how to measure something.
ReplyDeleteTankPro series submersible level sensor is designed for continuous level measurement of aggressive liquid media diameter making it ideal for level monitoring in well and borehole applications. Manufactured for years of trouble free service, the sensor has a welded 316 SS body and 316 SS nose cap. Body top is also 316 SS and tapered to prevent damage or snares when pulling the unit out of the installation. Featured of the sensor is a precision of +/- 0.5% accuracy F.S. Lightning and surge protection is included standard to stand up in harsh applications.More about Submersible Level Sensor
ReplyDeleteThis is a really interesting way to achieve high-resolution analog inputs.